Our Trip to Faroe Islands

Vágar Area

Our first stay was in the town of Sandavágur, which is the town closest to the airport, on the Vágar island.

  • Wanderung Sørvágsvatn
  • Gásadalur
(jump marker)

Streymoy / Eysturoy

Out second "base" was in Hvalvík, in a beautifully renovated cabin right on the Sundini sound that separates Streymoy and Eysturoy, which are the two central, and largest islands.

  • Islands connected via new tunnel


  • Tórshavn
  • Norðradalur (da haben wir glaube ich gute Serpentinenfotos?)
  • Saksun (Strohbedeckte alte Häuser in einem Fjord Tal, cooles Parkplatzbild)
  • Tjørnuvík (ziemlich gute Strandbilder mit Wolken/Nebel)
  • unklar ob Fotos / interessant:
  •  Vestmanna?


  • Gjógv (schmale Bucht mit Schluchtartigem Ufer)
  •  Eiði/ Tjørnuvík
  •  Oyndarfjørður / rocking stones? Ist in Furkot aber ich weiß nicht ob wir da waren


Our third base was in Klaksvík on the island of Borðoy.

  • Could have taken a ferry to Kalsoy (next time)
  • Hvannasund / Norðdepil
  • Villingardalsfjall